Regardless of why you want to delete your Google search history, you should be planning to do it semi-regularly. There’s no good reason to keep years of search data in a central location. It’s good practice, both for security and peace of mind, to delete these searches at periodic intervals. It’s important to note that once you delete this, you can’t get it back. For a period of time after deleting you may notice that some of the personalized details that make Google search great are less than perfect. Luckily, it doesn’t take long to rebuild enough of a history to benefit from it without having a record of your entire digital life in there. 

How to delete your Google search history

  1. To delete your Google search history, you first need to go to your Google My Activity page by clicking this link.
  2. Next, scroll down and click Filter by date & product. This action will open a window that lets you specify items you want to delete from your Google activities.
  3. Enter the date range or default period you want your deletion to cover.
  4. Lastly, under the Filter by Google product section, tick the checkbox beside Search and click Apply.